Outpatient Services

Assessments, court-ordered treatment, urinalysis and outpatient counseling are additional services offered to those waiting to come into treatment, or who want to try a new path of addressing substance use. 

These services are offered to anyone seeking counseling without a stay at the facility. We will work closely with the individual, as well as any family members or legal officials that the client may request to be involved.

Peer Recovery

Provides any of our clients with someone who knows what they are going through. These certified peers offer lived experiences, a person to call when relapse may be imminent and an experienced guide in the recovery process. We often pair our clients in our sober houses with a peer recovery specialist to provide even more positive support.

Everyone's recovery journey is unique and faces unique challenges, and it is vital not to have to face the journey alone! Our counselors will work with each individual to help them develop an understanding of their addiction and to accept responsibility for their own recovery.  It is our mission to empower, support and facilitate the individual's steps towards achieving their own unique path to recovery. 

We offer individual, group, and family counseling. Topics addressed include feelings and emotions, life skills, relapse prevention, addiction education, anger management, relationships, health issues, and other topics vital to recovery. All this is accomplished in a quiet, natural setting.